As your child’s Learning Coach, you’ve accomplished a lot so far.
你和你的学生创造了一个诱人的,鼓舞人心的 learning space, 核对了学校用品清单上的所有项目, 并测试了这项技术,以确保它准备好了.
Together, you worked out a school-day schedule that is tailored to your child’s learning preferences; keeps them focused by setting start and finish times for lessons and homework; and includes time for family events, exercise, and extracurricular activities.
That’s only the beginning though.
As their Learning Coach, you will be a cheerleader, mentor, 并指导你的学生在网上学习的过程. 你将在塑造他们的教育成就方面发挥重要作用, personal growth, and life-skills development. And you will face challenges. Yet, through it all, 当你的努力在学生的进步和成功中得到回报时,你会获得一种深深的满足感.
If you’re not sure where to start school online, 我们整理了来自连接学院的文章 Resource Hub to help you lean into your new role.
Remember, your student’s teacher is always your best resource. They want your student to thrive as much as you do, and they’re committed to providing the insights, answers, and expertise to nurture your child’s development.